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This page contains information about grants available to students. Further details can be found on the Student Council of the University of Iceland's website.

Student Innovation Fund

The Student Innovation Fund provides keen students with summer employment on ambitious and challenging research projects. Grants for hiring students for summer positions are available to university instructors, companies, research institutions, or individuals recognized as experts in a particular field  The fund aims to promote innovation for both academia and the business sector.

The University of Iceland Student Achievement and Incentive Fund

The University of Iceland Student Achievement and Incentive Fund supports outstanding students in their studies at the University each year. Grants are awarded to students who have demonstrated excellence at the secondary level. The fund also seeks to support students who have shown significant progress in their studies or have achieved good academic results despite challenging circumstances.


Erasmus+ is the European Union’s education programme, in which the University of Iceland has been an active participant for many years. Students participating in an exchange program can achieve international experience, giving them a competitive advantage in the job market.

The new programme promotes equal opportunities for studying abroad by offering additional grants for students with special needs.

Union Study Grants

Students who pay a fee to a union can check their eligibility for study grants. Many unions offer grants to cover registration fees and some also provide grants based on completed ECTS credits. Online payments automatically generate a PDF confirmation, it can also be accessed in My Ugla under Confirmations and Transcripts.

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