Articles in this section

Confirmation of studies

Students can access a selection of confirmations and transcripts for free in Ugla under My Ugla -> Confirmations and transcripts.

On some devices, you may need to try a different browser to download the self-service documents in Ugla.

Other confirmations and transcripts are prepared by the University Centre Service Desk. Former students who can no longer access Ugla can contact the Service Desk as well.

Confirmations issued by the Service Desk cost ISK 350 each and are available in both Icelandic and English, electronically sealed or in physical format, signed and stamped.

Electronically sealed confirmations that are not available through the self-service can be requested here or by emailing Usually, it takes 1 - 3 business days to process, but at peak season such as the beginning of the semester, the wait can be longer.

Further information and assistance

Service Desk
University Centre
Mon. - Thu. 8:30 - 16:00
Fri. 8:30-15:00

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