Students can find their timetable in Ugla at My Ugla → My timetable. Personal timetables can also be found in the Ugla app (SmáUgla).
- Timetables for individual classes can sometimes be found by looking up the course in the Course Catalogue.
- It can vary between faculties at what time the final timetables appear in Ugla and the Course Catalogue.
Classroom locations are indicated by building abbreviations and room numbers in the timetable. You can find building locations and floor plans on the UI website.
Can I change my timetable?
If one or more of your classes are scheduled at the same time, the only way to resolve the conflict is by changing your course selection. However please review the following before making changes:
- Some courses have group divisions which will show more sessions in your timetable than you need to attend. You may be able to change groups if the group session conflicts with another class.
- In general, attendance in class is not required at the university. It can be good to discuss the matter with your teachers and look at the course syllabus to see if the conflict will greatly affect your studies before making your decision.
Should you change your course registration, it can take up to 24 hours for your timetable in Ugla to update
Timetable abbreviations
Timetables can include many abbreviations, the types of classes are abbreviated as follows:
- f = Lecture (fyrirlestur)
- d = Maths tutorial (dæmatími)
- s = Support period (stoðtími)
- v = Practical (verklegt)
Group division and maths tutorials
The timetable in Ugla will show, week by week, all the classes of your registered courses, including all maths tutorials and practical lessons where the class may be divided into smaller groups. Groups will be numbered in the timetable (d1, d2, v1, v2, h1, h2 etc.). This will result in your timetable appearing more crowded than it should be.
Once you know which group is yours you can click on the group classes you don't belong to in your timetable and hide them.
Group divisions are typically announced on the course website in Canvas during the first week of classes.
Can the timetable change after it has been posted online?
Yes, timetables may undergo some changes until teaching begins.
After teaching has commenced, there may be changes to classroom locations. Timing is usually not altered once teaching has started and requires student collaboration.
Why can't I see any courses in my timetable?
If you don't see any courses in your timetable, check the following:
Ensure you are viewing the correct week. The timetable in Ugla shows one week at a time.
- Check your course registration. If the registration has been recently saved, it can take up to 24 hours for changes to appear in the timetable.
- If a timetable has not been published in Ugla, you can visit the university's website to view draft timetables for departments and faculties.