To confirm registration at the University of Iceland students must pay the yearly registration fee, ISK 75,000. Please note that the registration fee is non-refundable.
Due date of the registration fee is 4 July. If the registration fee is not paid by 4 July it will be assumed that the student does not intend to attend the University.
Students working during their studies can check for available educational grants with their union.
Tariffs for the registration fee and other services to students can be found in Ugla.
How do I pay the registration fee?
- When enrolling as a new student, the applicant can pay the registration fee via the UI communication Portal. International applicants must in some cases transfer the fees.
- After yearly registration (open in Ugla in March/April) continuing students pay the registration fee in Ugla before the due date. In Ugla you can choose a one-time payment with debit or credit card, or apply for a credit payment plan(depending on your card company).
Confirmation of payment
When the registration fee has been paid in Ugla students receive an email from to their hi-email address with a confirmation of payment and student status (document is attached to the email). Students can use that document for instance to apply for grants from their union. Applicants with a kennitala receive this document also to the email address used in the application when paying through the communication portal.
International applicants without a kennitala (Icelandic ID number), when paying through the communication portal, receive a receipt (Greiðslukvittun) from The receipt is sent to the email address used in the application. The email receipt can be sent for instance to the Student Housing to accept allocation.
Reduced fee due to disability
Students with a disability certificate can pay a reduced fee for the academic year. You must apply for the reduction every year. If you have an electronic document with your disability certificate you can email it to the Student Registration (Nemendaskrá), or you can present the physical card at the University Centre Service Desk.
Registration fee FAQs
- If you are an applicant for new studies the payment option will come up in the communication portal once your application has been accepted.
- Students must first complete their yearly registration to get the option to pay the fee in Ugla.
- In both cases, the payment option is no longer available once the due date has passed.
You need to contact the Student Registration, to notify them that you wish to continue your studies.
After the due date, current students can pay the registration fee with an ISK 10,000 surcharge. The due date for such late payments is 12 August. Those with accepted applications, with some exceptions, can do so as well.
A student who has been granted leave for the academic year by their faculty pays ISK 10,000 at the University Centre Service Desk. Further information can be found in the course catalogue.
Further information and assistance
Service Desk
University Centre
Mon. - Thu. 8:30 - 16:00
Fri. 8:30-15:00