Articles in this section

Computer labs

The Division of IT operates the computer labs around campus. The opening hours are the same as the opening hours of the buildings.

Users sign in to the computers with the same username and password as in Ugla. Graduated students do not have access to the computer labs.

Data can be accessed and saved through OneDrive in the computer labs.

Printers can be found in some of the computer labs. The purchase of print credits is required to print.

Reserving a computer lab

Booking requests for the computer labs for courses or conferences are made through or by contacting the service desk in Háskólatorg through the phone 525 4000.

What computer is available in the computer labs?

You can keep track of available computers in the computer labs on the following website:

You can access the timetable for each Computer Lab in Ugla under IT Services → Computer labs → Timetables.

Where are the computer labs located?


Common issues

Equipment malfunction

You can report equipment malfunction through Ugla under IT Services → Computer labs and classrooms → Malfunction.

Missing software

Employees are able to request new software in the computer labs, it can be requested through Ugla under IT Services → Computer labs and classrooms → Request for software.

"Your account has time restrictions that prevent you from logging on at this time"

This message means that you have graduated and no longer have access to the computer labs. You can see your status in Ugla.

  • If you are a current student but registered as graduated then contact the Student registration or your department.
  • Employees should not use their student accounts for work, instead, they should get a new account from their departments.
"We can't sign you in with this credential because your domain isn't available"

When this message appears it means that the computer is not connected to the internet. This can be fixed by restarting the computer (hold down the power button) if not then you can report the malfunction through Ugla under IT Services → Computer labs and classrooms → Malfunction.

Rules of conduct in the computer labs

Rules of conduct

Please be aware of certain rules that apply in the computer labs and we expect all users to kindly respect the following rules:

  • Show consideration to other users.
  • It is not allowed to bring any food or drink into the computer labs. Smoking is strictly forbidden.
  • Users are expected to be tidy and show orderliness.
  • It is not permitted to "reserve" a specific computer in any way.
  • It is not permitted to leave the computer without logging out.
  • Talking on the phone is not allowed.
  • Users should leave the computer labs immediately if either, the building is about to close or when a teacher or other employees of the University request it.
  • The use of UTS computer equipment for video games is not prohibited, but the general rule is that video game practitioners must give way to other users without comment if requested.

Users disregarding the rules can expect to be ordered to leave the computer lab immediately!

You can also find the general house rules through the university webpage.

Further information and assistance

IT Help Desk University Centre (Háskólatorg)
Mon-Thu 08:30-16:00
Fri 08:30-15:00

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