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Equality is one of the three core values in the University of Iceland's strategy. The university has an Equality Action Plan and organises Equality Days annually.

Discrimination based on gender, gender identity, origin, skin colour, disability, sexual orientation, gender expression, race, body type, age, health, religion, beliefs, residence, economic status, nationality, or culture is prohibited within the University of Iceland.

The University's Equality Officers represent both students and staff. They are available for consultations and to guide on equality issues. 

The Equality website

What is the role of the Equality Officers?

The role of the Equality Officers includes working on the formulation and implementation of policies related to the Equality Action Plan, ensuring the university’s equality policy is followed, providing education and advice on equality issues, and promoting the integration of equality matters as a natural part of the University of Iceland's operations.


What is the role of the Equal Rights Committee?

At the University of Iceland, an Equal Rights Committee operates with a broad mandate covering equality matters, as outlined in Article 65 of the constitution of Iceland. The Committee is responsible for adhering to current laws on gender equality.

The committee consists of representatives from the equality committees of the academic fields, the central administration’s equality committee, a student representative nominated by the Student Council, and a chairperson appointed by the rector. The Equality Officer also attends committee meetings

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