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The University has access to ChemDraw for all students and members of staff. ChemDraw is a chemistry software used to draw chemical structures.

  1. Open the ChemDraw website and search for "University of Iceland".
  2. Click on "Register" under "Register to download the latest version of ChemDraw":Chemdraw 1.png
  3. Fill out the application form and make sure to use your email address:Chemdraw 2.png
  4. After registration you will receive an email from PerkinElmer with a link to activate the account. Open the link and choose a password for your account.
  5. Once you have chosen a password you can log in to the site to download ChemDraw. There you will also find your activation code.

Further information and assistance

IT Help Desk University Centre (Háskólatorg)
Mon-Thu 08:30-16:00
Fri 08:30-15:00

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