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Working hours and attendance

The standard working week for full-time employees at the University of Iceland (UI) is generally 40 hours, although some unions have negotiated a 36-hour workweek.

Attendance is tracked where applicable, but different rules apply to academic staff versus administrative and technical staff in terms of registering working hours at the University of Iceland.

Academic Staff

The attendance of academic staff is not specifically measured; only their tasks. The duties of academic staff vary depending on job titles and other factors. These duties are registered in a system called KOLUR, where all teaching activities and the ratio of job duties are logged, such as teaching, research, and administration.

Since procedures for these registrations differ across faculties and departments, it is best to contact the relevant department or faculty for assistance.

Administrative and Technical Staff

Administrative and technical staff register their working hours in Vinnustund. A quick link for clocking in and out of work can be found in Ugla (top right corner) and in the app SmáUgla.
At the end of each pay period, each member of staff must review their hours in Vinnustund before the supervisor reviews and approves it.
You can get assistance from the payroll office, you can see which employees are responsible for specific work units on their page.

Absence Registration

There are several ways to register absences.
All staff must register longer absences in UGLA - Absence.
Administrative staff register absences in Vinnustund, you can get assistance from the payroll office if necessary.
It is essential to set an out-of-office message in your email if you will be absent and unable to respond to inquiries. Urgent matters should be directed to other staff members.

What is Vinnustund?

Vinnustund is the time and attendance registration system used by the University of Iceland. All staff, except academic staff, must be registered in Vinnustund to log their working hours and absences, such as holidays and sickness. Upon hiring, staff receive access to Vinnustund.

For detailed guidance of Vinnustund, contact the system administrators in the payroll office at

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