Staff employed in administrative roles, support services, or service research, and who are hired through an advertised position for at least one year, will have their position evaluated for salary ranking under the SKREF system. This evaluation is always comprehensive, including job evaluation, competency assessment, and annual performance review, and forms the basis for final salary ranking, which may change based on accumulated points as of 1 September each year.
You can view your SKREF point total under the "About Me" section in Ugla.
The salary evaluation process consists of three parts:
- Job evaluation: Conducted by the HR department and must be completed when the position is filled.
- Competency assessment: An individual evaluation of additional knowledge and education the employee possesses that is relevant to the position.
- Annual appraisal: Performance over the last year, resulting in the awarding of points and also bonus pay.
More detailed information about the SKREF system can be found in the Handbook for Staff in Ugla.
Where to seek assistance in case of disputes?
If disputes arise regarding the evaluation outcome, you may contact the consultation committee on wage matters (Samráðsnefnd um kjaramál), which will involve representatives from the relevant trade union.