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Resit exams

If a student fails an exam, they can register for a resit exam if one is available.

  • Resit exams for the autumn semester take place on the last few days before Christmas and the first few days after New Year’s, with the exam date based on when the original exam was held.
  • Resit exams for the spring semester can be held over four to five days at the end of May or the beginning of June, as further determined by the Director of Examinations.
  • Students can retake an exam to try to raise their grades. They can do this by registering for the course again or taking a resit exam. Note that the later grade is valid, even if the new grade is lower or if you fail.
  • If a student needs to unregister from a resit exam, they can do so within 24 hours after the exam time appears in Ugla. 

Resit exams are not offered for all courses.

A special fee of 6.000 ISK is charged for each registration for a resit examination.


If a student does not attend an exam they are registered for and fails to report an illness within three days, they will get "absent" and won't be able to take the resit exam.

  • The general rule is that students have permission to take an exam in each course twice. If a student fails an exam or does not attend an exam for which they are registered, they are permitted to retake the exam at the next scheduled exam session for the course, but no later than within one year. In that case, the student will have to re-enrol in the course. 

Further information on absences and illness during exams can be found in Ugla.

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