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Makeup exams

The following information only applies to final exams. In the case of mid-term examinations please turn to your teacher for instructions.

If you become ill and consequently cannot sit examinations you must do the following:

  1. Send a notification of your illness via e-mail to
    • You must send the email from your hi-email address within three days of the exam date and please include the following:
      • Name
      • ID number
      • Course number
      • Course title
  2. You register for a makeup exam by clicking on the blue banner in "My courses" in Ugla 1-2 days after you report illness. It’s crucial to complete this as soon as possible to prevent scheduling conflicts in the makeup exams.

Please keep the following also in mind:

  • You need to send an email for each exam you missed because of illness.
  • It is not necessary to submit a doctor's note for final exams.
  • The same process applies if your child falls ill.

If you need to unregister from a makeup exam,  you can do so within 24 hours of the exam timetable appearing in Ugla. The withdrawal is sent in the same manner as the notification of illness stated above.

Makeup exam period

The makeup exams for the autumn semester take place on the last few days before Christmas and the first few days after New Year’s, with the exam date based on when the original exam was held. Makeup exams for the spring semester can be held over four to five days at the end of May or the beginning of June, as further determined by the Director of Examinations.

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