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Inspera login for students

Inspera is a safe system for digital examinations used by the University of Iceland.

To log into Inspera as a student, please follow these steps:

  1. Navigate to using a browser of your choice.
    • Only exception is the Internet Explorer browser which is not supported by Inspera.
  2. Click "Innskráning með Uglu netfangi“
    • Before going further, you might get asked if you want to stay logged in. Either way is fine, although it's worth mentioning staying logged in on a public computer is not wise.
  3. After a successful login, your student dashboard should be visible.

Student dashboard

Your student dashboard should display three tabs:

A. "Upcoming tests" lists all the exams a teacher has activated and a student is registered to take, both ongoing and scheduled.

B. "Previous tests" is a list of exams a student has already submitted, and a teacher has allowed for post-submission review.

C. "Demo tests" includes Inspera demo tests that are necessary for students to take for at least two reasons:

    • Make sure that the student's computer can handle running closed-book Inspera exams.
    • So the student can familiarize himself with the Inspera platform and be confident working on it.

Whenever a student is registered to take Inspera exams that are in progress, upcoming or due, the exams are listed in ascending order (nearest date at the top) under the "Upcoming tests" tab.

    • For example, we have a student registered to take two exams: Exam A is already open, and Exam B is scheduled to open at a later date. The student logs into Inspera and sees two exam boxes on his dashboard; the box for exam A has the status "In Progress", but the box for exam B has the status"Due."

D. To open exam A, the student clicks the "Click here to get ready" button close to the bottom of the exam box representing exam A.

E. To open exam B, the student clicks the "Click here to get ready" button close to the bottom of the exam box representing exam B. Since exam B is to open later, the student can only access the test info (set in Deliver - tests settings) and detailed information about the opening time and duration of the exam. The "Start test" button, on the other hand, is greyed out until the exam goes from the status "Upcoming" to the status "In progress", when it immediately turns to blue and becomes clickable.

F. The status of the exam is found on the top-left of the exam box: "Due" means that the exam has a fixed date but hasn't been activated yet by the teacher. Other statuses include "Upcoming", "In progress", "Submitted", "Not submitted", and more. To sum up:

    • An exam with the status "In Progress" indicates that the student can open the exam immediately and work on his submission.
    • An exam with the status "Due" indicates that the student can only access the core information about the exam that is due to it being opened at a later date. 
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