Submit a request

Aim to include as much information and detail in your request as possible to reduce delays between replies

Students can book rooms for work groups or student associations for a maximum of 3 hours per week.

Rent for 3 nights will be charged for cancellations made 7 days or less before planned arrival. Late check-out: Check out is 12 noon - later departures are charged 1 extra night.

Accomodation is rented from 5pm on day of arrival until 12 noon on day of departure. Keys are picked up by guest or their contact during office hours at the University Centre Service Desk, MonThu 8:30 - 16:00, Fri 8:30-15:00. If rent starts on a weekend keys must be picked up by 3 pm on Friday

*When paid by UI project number (verkefnisnúmer) there is a 25% discount. **PLEASE NOTE if the payer does not have a kennitala, the kennitala or project number of the contact person must be filled out instead due to cancellation fees. ***PLEASE NOTE booking requests for UI Guest Accommodation must come from an employee of the university and that person is responsible for the booking. Guest and UI contact cannot be the same person.

You can see more information about room booking, prices, rooms etc in the Help Centre under "Guest accommodation"

All rooms are max 2 persons and all rooms have access to a shared kitchen and laundry.

All rooms are equipped with a computer and a projector. Please specify any special needs.

Please enter the details of your request. A member of our support staff will respond as soon as possible.

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