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The University of Iceland encourages its students and staff members to utilize sustainable transportation methods when travelling to and from the university campus, whether by bicycle, electric scooter, bus or walking.

UI Staff transport agreement

Any staff member, with a 50% or higher job percentage can sign a transport agreement. The transport agreement implies a commitment to use environmentally friendly transport options when travelling to and from the University by taking the bus, cycling or walking at least three times a week. In exchange, staff members receive a subsidised twelve-month bus card or a free admission card to the University gym at Sæmundargata. See further information in Ugla.

Bicycle shelters

Bicycle racks can be found at all university buildings, and bicycle shelters can be found at Lögberg and VR II. Bicycle repair stands can be found at the University Centre, VR II and in Stakkahlíð, should you need to repair minor damages on your bicycle.

Walking and biking paths in the capital area

Bus (Strætó) on campus

  • There are bus stops near most UI buildings.
  • At the University Centre there is a screen showing real-time locations of buses as well as the arrivals and departures at the University bus stops by Suðurgata and Hringbraut.

Two types of bus cards, Klapp card and Klapp Ten, can be purchased at the University Centre's Service Desk.

  • Klapp card is an empty smartcard that you can top up through
  • Klapp Ten are disposable paper cards with ten tickets. Klapp Ten cannot be topped up and does not have  a student discount

Check out the Strætó bus routes and timetables on their website.

Parking and carpooling

Those interested in carpooling can use the Ugla Advertising platform to form carpooling groups.

In the next few months there will be an increase in parking fees on the UI campus.

 Students and faculty frequently parking by the University hospital (Landspítali) can contact for further information on parking fees.

Electric car-sharing and bicycles for UI staff

The staff of the University of Iceland can use electric vehicles and bicycles to carry out work-related errands in the capital area. The EV's are located at Aðalbygging, Tæknigarður, Askja, Læknagarður and Stakkahlíð. Bookings can be made through Ugla.

Car bookings

Bicycle bookings



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