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Safety in the workplace

The University of Iceland is committed to creating a safe and healthy working environment for its staff and students. Safety committees operate within the university's schools and central administration, with representatives from these committees forming the University of Iceland's main safety committee. The role of these committees is to organise measures related to facilities, hygiene, and safety within the university, as well as to ensure that staff and students receive appropriate education and information. Further details about the role of safety committees can be found on the university's safety website,, which includes information on:

  • educational materials
  • first response
  • insurance
  • safety services
  • workplace safety measures
  • emergency plans

On the safety website, staff and students can report accidents, incidents, and hazards (near misses) or submit general suggestions to the safety committee.

Report an accident

Submit a suggestion to the safety committee

Various safety-related courses, such as first aid training, fire safety courses, and laboratory safety workshops, are held regularly. These are advertised in the university's training schedule which is available on the Ugla system.

How can I contribute to safety?

The most basic safety principle is to familiarise yourself with your immediate surroundings:

Where are the emergency exits?
Where are the fire extinguishers?
What are the escape routes?
Defibrillators are available in all university buildings—find the one in your building.

It is good practice to familiarize yourself with these safety features early to ensure your security. If you need assistance finding them, reach out to the building manager.

How do I report an accident or hazard?

Reports and suggestions related to safety are submitted via the university's safety website. Click the appropriate button below, log in with your username and password, and complete the form.

Report an accident
Submit a suggestion to the safety committee

If the matter requires immediate attention, building managers are available in all university buildings. Contact them if you feel something needs improvement regarding safety.

How do I find building managers?

Information about university buildings is available on the University of Iceland’s external website. There, you can find the name and phone number of the building manager by selecting the relevant building. A list of building managers is also available on the Facilities and Technical Services website.

Are there safety officers in university buildings?

Building managers also serve as safety officers. Their contact details can be found on the university’s external website by selecting the appropriate building.

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