Electronic seals

Students of the University of Iceland can download certified transcripts and confirmations on the University's intranet (Ugla) to send to third parties. Graduated students can also access transcripts with graduation on the island.is website. 

How will the recipient know that the document is valid?

  1. First of all, the document must be turned in electronically, an electronic seal printed on paper cannot be verified.
  2. To verify the document you must open it with Adobe Acrobat Reader
  3. The seal itself looks like this:
    1. electronic seal containing the university's name, logo and time and date stamp
  4. The signature panel at the top of the screen will show if the signature is valid:
    1. Blue line saying "Signed and all signatures are valid".
  5. In addition you can click on the seal and a window will open with confirmation of the document signing:
    1. window named "signature Validation Status" stating that the signature is valid, signed by University of Iceland Seal. The document has not been modified since this signature was applied.
  6. If the document has been altered after it was signed a comment will appear such as:
    1. blue line with a magnifying class stating "at least one signature requires validating"
    2. Blue line with a warning sign stating "signed and all signatures are valid. but with unsigned changes after the last signature"

The seal on documents downloaded in the University's intranet is of the same type as on transcripts issued via island.is.